Monday, September 30, 2019

Thank you to everyone who sent their child in orange today.  We started each class by reading the book You Hold Me Up and used this to talk about how everyone is important and how we can hold each other up.  We then moved into why we're wearing orange shirts today.  We watched and discussed a short video (click here).  The students then traced and cut out their hands to represent that they're important (Mme Michelle's AM group will do this part of the lesson on Wednesday).

During the AM, Mme Michelle's group also went for their Stream of Dreams lessons.  The students learned about clean water, where it comes from, where it goes, and that "only rain goes down the drain".  They also went to an art class where they were able to paint their dream fish.  They all did a fantastic job!  All the other Kindergarten students will get their turn sometime this week.

Tomorrow, we will be going to the library for book exchange, so please send in your child's library book with them!

Today's snow is a great reminder to send your child with appropriate outdoor clothing.  Helping your child practice how to get dressed in their gear would be much appreciated!  Happy Snowtember!

Friday, September 27, 2019

We had a fun Terry Fox run this morning! Wow we ran a lot of laps. Thank you for all your donations! We also worked on a fun fall art project that required colouring with pastels and glueing the colours rouge, jaune, and orange to create a autumn tree.

Reminder: Orange shirt day MondaySeptember 30th.
The new October schedule is up for you in the calendar section of our website :)
Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Today we practiced counting and printing the number 1 and writing out the number 'un'. We started an activity in our math booklet. We looked through magazines to cut out one thing to glue into our math booklet. We also starting learning a new song called 'Bonjour Monsieur'. Take a look in the song section to practice it, you will learn all about the body parts in French!

The Varsity Terry Fox run will start with a pep-rally at 8:45am in the gymnasium. We will start our run outside around 9am. Please dress warmly for the weather. If it is lightly raining or snowing we will still be going outside.

The AM class brought home a sticker to fill out for the run to wear on their jacket. Any students from the PM class can come grab a sticker from our classroom tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Today we practiced the letters L F E H T I. We are working on writing between the lines and making straight letter lines while printing. We also added a new weaving center today. We are making some fun patterns!

We had music class today. Check out Mme. Edgett's music blog in our resources section.

We are noticing some sugary candy snacks coming to school. Please send one or two healthy snacks that do not have chocolate, peanut butter or chips. Reminder we have allergies in our class, including Mme Michelle who is very allergic to chocolate and nuts.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

We learned about why Terry Fox is such an incredible Canadian hero! We are learning a new song about Terry Fox, we can sing "Je cours comme Terry, Terry Fox"! We also cut out a shoe and coloured it. It is a symbol for the Terry Fox run. During physical education class we practiced running the Terry Fox course outside.

On Friday, please dress warmly for the weather for the Terry Fox Run (in layers and in safe outdoor shoes to run in rather than winter boots or rain boots).  If it is snowing or raining lightly, we are still running outside.  (If weather is unsafe, we will be inside.) Please send a pair of dry socks in your child's backpack to change into afterwards.

Monday, September 23, 2019

We had a lovely jaune day today! Our mot du jour was 'jaune' and we read a story about 'jaune'. We also went around the school to spot all that was jaune and said the phrase 'Voici jaune'. What else can you find that is jaune at home? We practiced our fine motor skills by cutting out a sun and decorating it. What a lovely day all in jaune!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Conferences - Thank You!

Thank you so much to all the families who joined us these last two days.   It was a true pleasure to hear more about you and your child. Thank you as well for all the enthusiasm and offers of support - we are more than ever excited for our year together!

We have added a couple of October volunteer opportunities up on the volunteer link, so if you have a valid clearance, please check to see if you can join us!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jour rouge!  Today our mot du jour was 'rouge', our story was about rouge, we started singing a new song about colors, looked for rouge in the classroom, and worked on our fine motor skills by cutting and decorating rouge ladybugs!  Wow!  Beaucoup de rouge!

We also went for book exchange at the library.

Reminder that Monday is 'jour jaune'.  Please send your child in yellow!

Next week we will also be learning about Terry Fox.  The Terry Fox Run for our school is taking place next Friday, Sept. 27.  The AM class will participate with the school as it is their school day.  The PM class is invited to come with an adult to join in (8:45am).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bonjour!  Today we continued working on our printing of uppercase letters L, E, F as well as added H.  We also went outside for P. E. to start practicing for the Terry Fox Run.   We will be learning more about Terry Fox next week in class.  

Reminder to send your child with outside clothing as you never know when we'll head out.  Mornings especially can be cool without a sweater or jacket.  

Tomorrow is "jour rouge" (dress in red) and library day.  Please send your child with their library book so that they can exchange it for a new one!  
We have been reading these books in class lately!  Ask your child what they're about (learning to say please, sharing, and listening)!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Happy Monday!  Today we visited the music room to have a music class with Mme Edgett. We also started printing the uppercase letters L, E, and F as well as singing the alphabet in French.  We opened up three new centers today:  the water table and two science observation/exploration tables.  If you have an apple you would like to add to our apple table, please send it in!  We'll be comparing the different apples over the next two weeks.  

Reminder that parent-teacher-student conferences are this Thursday and Friday.  Thank you to all the families that have already signed up online with your assigned homeroom teacher.  

Also coming up this Wednesday is "jour rouge".  Please plan to send your child dressed in red on Wednesday!  Wednesday is also going to be our library day.  

Friday, September 13, 2019

Thank you to all the parents who came out to the Fall Welcome! We hope that you had a chance to meet and connect with other parents and teachers this morning!

We are happy to share a few notes with you about our Team Teaching Classroom:
Being in a co-taught classroom has many benefits. Students can spend more time with the teachers and get more individual attention. And with more than one teacher, it’s easier to teach students in smaller groups or one-on-one.
Students have the opportunity to learn from two teachers who may have different teaching styles, ideas, perspectives and experience. It also makes it easier to implement differentiated instruction, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and personalized learning. 
Here are the basic models of co-teaching:
  1. Team teaching. Both teachers plan lessons and work together to teach students. This helps students see the teachers as equals with each other. It also gives students the chance to ask questions and get assistance during a lesson. This can be especially helpful for students with accommodations.
  2. One teaches, one assists and/or observes. Having one teacher actively teaching frees up the other teacher to assist and give individual help as needed. Or the other teacher can observe. For instance, an observing teacher may collect information about how a child responds to different teaching approaches and about his attention and behavior. That kind of data is valuable for IEPs and for behaviour intervention plans. 
  3. Station teaching. Teachers may be responsible for different parts of the lesson plan. This allows them to play to their teaching strengths. Students are divided into groups and move from one station to the other. Or the teachers rotate from group to group.
  4. Parallel teaching. The class is split in half, and each teacher takes one group. Both groups are taught the same thing but in a different way.
  5. Alternative teaching. One teacher handles a larger group of students. Meanwhile, the other teacher works with a small group on a different lesson or gives more support to struggling learners.

Our colours lessons was outside today. Ask your child what items they found outside to match a 
colour palette. 
Have a fun weekend! Bonne fin de la semaine!