Monday, September 30, 2019

Thank you to everyone who sent their child in orange today.  We started each class by reading the book You Hold Me Up and used this to talk about how everyone is important and how we can hold each other up.  We then moved into why we're wearing orange shirts today.  We watched and discussed a short video (click here).  The students then traced and cut out their hands to represent that they're important (Mme Michelle's AM group will do this part of the lesson on Wednesday).

During the AM, Mme Michelle's group also went for their Stream of Dreams lessons.  The students learned about clean water, where it comes from, where it goes, and that "only rain goes down the drain".  They also went to an art class where they were able to paint their dream fish.  They all did a fantastic job!  All the other Kindergarten students will get their turn sometime this week.

Tomorrow, we will be going to the library for book exchange, so please send in your child's library book with them!

Today's snow is a great reminder to send your child with appropriate outdoor clothing.  Helping your child practice how to get dressed in their gear would be much appreciated!  Happy Snowtember!