Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The students were very excited today to discover that our dramatic play center had been turned into gingerbread houses!  We challenged the students to add more decorations to the gingerbread houses, so the art station was also very busy today.

Ask your child about our book today (Cours, petit bonhomme, cours).  They made some great predictions as to what they thought the ending would be, but were very surprised when it was completely different!

We continue to be amazed by the Food Bank donations.  The students are so proud of how much we've collected as a group and we can't wait to count them on Monday.

We played a fun game in gym rolling balls to knock down pins, and we wrote another journal entry.

We love observing the students during center time.  The blocks and building center is developing some very talented architects and engineers!

Reminders:  Friday is PJ day for the PM group, and tonight is the last opportunity for December Scholastic orders.  Thank you to everyone who continues to sign up on the volunteer page to send in contributions for our Dec. 19 activity.