We continued with our throwing and catching skills through some fun games in P.E., and the PM class spent some time reading with their gr. 3 buddies today.

Both classes listened to the story Emma and the Food Bank. We discussed what we could do to help others and have decided to have our own food bank box in the classroom. We challenged everyone to bring in at least one item. At the beginning of next week, we're going to count how many items we've collected and issue a challenge to the rest of the school so that we can fill up the big boxes by the gym!

Some important reminders:
1 - we still need some families to sign up to contribute to our gingerbread making activity at the end of the month (especially from the PM class). Thank you to those that have already signed up!
2 - to ensure we can still offer future extra events, please remember to pay your school activity fee (for example, Teacher's Pet that was in October).
3- Friday is PJ day for the afternoon group
Merci beaucoup!