Monday, November 18, 2019

Thank you to all parents who have signed up for conferences. If you have not yet signed up, please do so for either Wednesday, November 20th or Thursday November 21st. We encourage your child to come as they would like to present/show some activities or work and share conversations about what we are learning!

There are no classes for Kindergarten on Wednesday, November 20 or Thursday November 21st.

Today the AM class met with their grade 3 Learning Buddy! We introduced ourselves in French and learned a new song together. (It will be posted tomorrow). Also the grade 3 buddies chose a story to read with their kindergarten partner. We will be engaging in fun activities with our grade 3 Learning Buddies every few weeks. (The PM class will be meeting their buddies tomorrow).

We learned and practiced the number 4 - quatre today. We showed different ways to represent the number 4 and counted many items in groups of 4, even making groups with friends. We also gave each other a 'high 4' when we were finished :)