Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The students continued to enjoy our gymnastics unit with M. Trevor today.  We spent some time looking at similarities and differences between the different graphs that we completed yesterday.  We read a couple of stories about dogs and wrote in our journals "Je vois un chien et un lapin."  Students are working very hard at reducing the size of their printing, and remembering our special rules (capital letter/majuscule, spaces/espaces and period/point at the end).  The PM class finished the day with a visit from Mme Alanna to start reading and discussing about Body in the Group.

February calendar and homework information will be coming out tomorrow, as well as a list of first names for Valentine cards.

On February 12, students are welcome to bring Valentine Cards to school if they choose.  If your child does choose to participate, please have them bring one for each student in the class.  Please do not send any candy, food or toys with the Valentines to school . Any food or candy that arrives at the school will not be sent home with other children.  Thank you for your understanding.  Valentines that have games/activities attached as part of their design will be permitted.  

A couple of reminders:

On Thursday, Feb. 6, there is our literacy night for parents at 6:30pm presented by one of our gr. 1 teachers.  This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about how to best support your child as they progress along their literacy journey.

Also on Thursday, Feb. 6, is the Kindergarten Music Share.

**Parents please remember to sign in at the office**

Kindergarten Share: Ocean Motions & Carnaval
  • Where: In the Music Room
  • When: Please see times below that apply to your child! (normal music class times)
  • What to expect: Students will be singing, moving and playing instruments. After they demonstrate the activity as a class, parents will be welcome to join in.

    Thursday February 6th
    8:10-8:50 Mme Michelle’s AM K class
    8:50-9:30 Mme Wittgruber’s AM K class
    12:20-1:00 Mme Michelle’s PM K class
    1:00-1:40 Mme Wittgruber’s PM K class