Monday, January 20, 2020

We are using new sentence prompts to practice communicating in French to each other during center time. Here are some examples of the sentences we are practicing:

"Veux-tu jouer s.v.p.?"  -  Would you like to play?

"Passe les blocs s.v.p." -  Pass the blocks please.

"De l'aide s.v.p." - I need help please.

"Qu'est-ce que tu manges?" - What are you eating?

We are looking forward to our skating time at Varsity Acres Community Center tomorrow! Please remember that your child will need to bring a separate bag that contains their skates and ski/snowboard/skating helmet. We will be skating at the rink for about an hour.  For warmer feet, an extra pair of socks are always beneficial. While it is much warmer then last week, please send your child to school with snow-pants, jacks, toque, and mittens.

Today's letter sound that we practiced was f. Ffffff that sounds like a bicycle pump.

Homework presentations - Please continue to practice January's homework. Presentations will be this Thursday January 23rd.

Our next library book exchange will be this Wednesday January 22nd.

Please see below - an invitation to a literacy evening at our school!

Our next skating day will be Monday February 10th. Students will be skating during their physical education time with M. Trevor. Volunteer slots are now open for this day! 

We are also looking for volunteers to send in Play dough :)