Take a look at our two new songs: J'aime maman, j'aime papa and Bonhomme, Bonhomme in the song section of our blog. Have fun practicing them!
Our mot du jour today was "famille", so we journaled "Voici ma famille." The students also drew their family.
We are building a postal office in our dramatic play center. Today we discussed what kinds of things you see at the postal office. If your child has anything to contribute such as envelops, small boxes, bubble wrap, anything they think would be useful in the center, we are asking for your child to bring any items in this week to start playing and co-operating in a postal play! We will also be making items during the day for this center as well. Thanks for your support.
On Thursday, Feb. 6, there is our literacy night for parents at 6:30pm presented by one of our grade 1 teachers. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about how to best support your child as they progress along their literacy journey!
*Please send back all field trip / skating forms asap.