- Today we focused on the number 8 - huit. We represented 8 in different ways and cut out 8 pictures that we liked from magazines.

- We started a new literacy center today. Students choose vocabulary cards with visuals to place in a sentence strip to create a sentence / idea about family. Students are putting together French sentences and reading them out loud to each other.

In some of our centers, we are enjoying making Bonhomme's ice castle structures for Carnaval!

Thank you to everyone who donated items for our postal office! We will continue to collect items all week. We are looking forward to creating a fun postal office!
Reminders -
February 6th- 8:10-8:50 Mme Michelle’s AM K class
8:50-9:30 Mme Wittgruber’s AM K class
12:20-1:00 Mme Michelle’s PM K class
1:00-1:40 Mme Wittgruber’s PM K class
*Please check into the office before heading down to the music room.
For the AM group this Friday:This Friday, we will be having a mixed grade ‘Choice and Curiosity’ board games activity. Students will
have the opportunity to play a board game with some new friends from different grades. If your child
would like to bring a board game for this activity, they are certainly welcome to! If they do bring one, we
want them to know that pieces could get lost or something may get broken. If this will be upsetting, it
might be better that they do not bring a game to share.
- Games that are brought on Friday should be:-labelled with their name-short, easy to understand, and can be played in under 30 minutes-well known by your child so they can teach others how to play independently
- Also, there will be a short pep rally at 11:15am Friday to kick off Carnaval. We are asked to wear red, white, and / or blue or wear a Varsity Acres sweater or t-shirt if your child has one.