We worked on a family math graph. We marked how many people are in our family then compared the results.
We learned a new math card game today called "Poubelle". Ask your child how to play this card game with a pack of cards and a partner. Each player gets 10 cards and places them like a 10 frame - 5 on top, 5 on the bottom. The goal of the game is to get all your cards turned over but in order like in a 10 frame. First person to turn all their cards over, wins!
We are looking for a few more volunteers to sign up to make play dough. Merci ;)
Tomorrow - Friday February 7th is red, blue, and white day (AM group) Please send your child with a game if they would like to share it during tomorrow's choice and curiosity.
The afternoon PM kindergarten group is invited to join us with a parent at 11:15am in the gymnasium for the Carnaval pep rally.
Monday February 10th is plaid day - wear a plaid shirt, socks, or hat. Also remember your skates and helmet. If your child's teacher does not have the form, they will not be able to skate.
Tuesday February 11 is wear a toque day
Wednesday February 12 is winter, Canada, Carnaval clothing day - wear anything wintery or Carnaval colours